'Like' My Facebook page!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hi guys! I just wanted to do a little shameless self-promotion here, if you'll indulge me  :)

I have a Facebook page, as you can see liked in the sidebar, and I would really appreciate if you would 'Like' my page! I have had the page for a while now, but never really used it. I am planning on making it a much more interactive place, where I will post pictures of my beauty blogging as well as a few bits and pieces of my daily life.

One of the main reasons why I would really like for you all to do this is so I am able to interact with all of you more. Beauty blogging can be lonely when you don't interact with readers and other bloggers, so I hope to be able to do more of that!

I will also be posting product release information that won't be posted on this blog, so it will serve as a good resource for those of you who want to know the latest in makeup trends and releases.

Thank you in advance for liking my page, and I hope to communicate and interact more with you guys there! Much love to you all and thank you for reading this blog! xx

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