Outfit Post: Dreaming of Spring

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hi everyone! I have a little style post of my own today to share with you guys. This is one of my first posts, so please go easy on me!

I get most of my items online, thrift some others, and the rest I get through sales and various other discount stores. I am always on a budget, and I don't like spending too much on clothes (what with my having a makeup addiction and all), so unfortunately I won't be able to provide names of stores for most of my items.

I hope these posts will still be entertaining to you guys, and I would be very pleased if you could offer me your suggestions and comments on these posts, and how I can improve my style! :)

This outfit post is inspired by my longing for Spring - the American sites are chock full of Springtime florals and brights, and I just had to put together something of my own even though the weather is nowhere near suitable for this kind of outfit.


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