Fortnightly Anthology 4

Monday, July 02, 2012

I know that calling this a fortnightly thing is a TOTAL LIE, but I already did the tags and have a theme going and everything, so please ignore my lack of posting!

Here are some snapshots from instagram, and what's been going on in my (very boring) life!

L: A quick crazy lip I did with some of the Illamasqua products from their Theatre of the Nameless collection!

R: One of my favourite eye looks to date! From my Brown Smoky Eye tutorial on my YouTube channel.

L: ck one color surprises me time and time again with their gorgeous colours. This is their lipgloss in Scandal ♥

R: I bought a couple of ankle cuffs to wear with flats to dress them up for formal events (I will show you a pic later on!) and couldn't resist turning one into a little luxe collar for Chloe (for like 2 minutes)!

L: I have developed a slight obsession with belts. They make everything look better!

R: I bought some gold pieces to wear. I am loving the cute little necklace! I gave one bangle each to my sisters so we all have something cute that we can wear together. When it happens I will be sure to get a pic of it! So far, no luck :(

Chloe and I have been making a real effort to keep up with the hipster trends. Here's us at our best.

L: So I filmed this look about a month ago...only to realise that I had set up the lighting all wrong, and I didn't set up the video camera properly so everytime I moved my head, the background would move a little as well! If I uploaded it we'd all get a monster headache so I had to dump everything :((

R: BUT I managed to film this one with no issues! This is my latest tutorial, which I will be uploading in about a week or so. In the meantime, check out my latest tutorial on how to contour your face,  Kim Kardashian style!

L: This was one of my favourite guilty pleasures back home. This is probably the most unhealthy snack in the history of the universe, but that of course never stopped me :p It is processed cheesy goodness that melts in your mouth and stains the heck out of your fingers. Seriously, they stay orange for a week.

R: I am so happy with this picture! This is me with a brow pencil, one coat of mascara, and a cream blush. My hair is meant to be oily from playing badminton all morning and then going out for a greasy lunch in a greasy restaurant, but it looks nice and fresh! I want to thank Batiste shampoo for making my hair nightmares disappear, and Benefit They're Real, Kanebo KATE eyebrow pencil, and Illamasqua Seduce cream blush for helping me look a lot less like the zombie I was in the morning before I applied them, and for lasting all friggin' day!

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