My Eye Cream Love Affair: Reviews and Comparisons

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Not a lot of people realise this, but eye creams are an essential part of skincare. The skin around your eyes is extremely thin and very sensitive to aging, so if you want to prevent that loose skin, droopy look that you get as you age, eye creams are definitely a must-have in your skincare routine.

I've tried quite a few eye creams, and want to share some that I have tried recently:

1. Simplicité Instant Help Gel
This refreshing eye gel soothes, calms and reduces redness and puffiness. I haven't tried it enough to be able to report long-term results, but it definitely feels very light and refreshing on the skin, and is perfect for more humid weather. It also reduces puffiness a little bit immediately upon application.

2. Simplicité Firming Rehydration Eye Creme
The firming Rehydration Eye Creme can be used in conjunction with the Instant Help Gel, and it is a light, yet hydrating creme. It is also meant to firm the skin underneath the eye, and reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes as well. I have high hopes for both these eye creams, and am testing them out as I type. More to come once I've trialled them enough!

3. History of Whoo Hwanyu Eye Cream
History of Whoo is a luxury Korean skincare brand that uses absolute premium products to create a brand that most claim work incredibly effectively. I was intrigued by the hype online, and decided to purchase a small, sample sized version of their Hwanyu Eye Cream. It was only when I was almost finished using my 5ml sample that I found out that among the ingredients used to create this cream is deer antlers. I was absolutely horrified.
Overall, the cream was indeed as luxurious as it is made out to be. It has a waxy sort of texture that immediately melts into this viscous cream that glides onto the skin and sinks into the skin easily. I did see a marked improvement in the appearance of the skin underneath my eyes - the little lines were so much less obvious, and my undereye area looked hydrated and smooth. I wouldn't repurchase this though, just because it was so expensive, and more importantly because I don't agree with the ingredients used in this particular formulation.

4. Kosmea Apple of My Eye Cream
Kosmea has always been a brand that I love - their rosehip oil is something I really enjoy using in the winter time, and always keeps my skin hydrated, radiant, and supple. This eye cream comes with a little applicator-cum-dispenser that smooths the product onto your skin easily.  I think this eye cream would have worked equally beautifully had it been wintertime when I used it, but I started using it only once I landed in Malaysia, and though it kept my undereye area well hydrated, it was a little too rich for my eyes and I started developing the tiniest spots of milia around my eyes. I think this is still a very beautiful eye cream, but I definitely wouldn't recommend it if you have oily skin, and certainly not if you have oily skin and live in a warm, humid country.

5. Dermalogica UltraSmoothing Eye Serum
This is by far the lightest in texture and the most beautiful smelling eye product of this group - granted because it is an eye serum and not a cream (does that mean that you can/should follow up with an eye cream? I have no idea - if anyone knows, please leave a comment and tell me!). I've always loved Dermalogica products because they smell beautiful - I wish my room smelled like Dermalogica all the time - and always have such a calming effect on me (I only just looked back at the name and realised that this eye serum is from the UltraCalming range. How fitting!).
This serum has helped to soothe the puffiness around my eyes quite a bit since I started using it, and I am quite impressed. Puffiness is a big issue for me because the puffiness makes me look tired, and let's face it, undereye bags are not attractive. I would recommend this for anyone with puffy eyes, and if you're looking for something that reduces fine lines, perhaps use this together with the Kosmea eye cream if you have dry skin, or the Simplicité eye creme if you have more oily skin.

Do you have any eye creams to recommend? I have such a problem with lines underneath my eyes, so any recommendations are welcome!

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