Event News: Dove Marquee at the Australian Open

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hi guys! If you've been reading my tweets and updates on my Facebook page, you'll know that I was invited by Dove to watch the Australian Open today, and to explore the Dove Marquee that was set up for the public at the Rod Laver Arena.

I brought the boyfriend, an avid sports fan, as my +1. In hindsight, he was the perfect person to bring, because everything I didn't know or had forgotten about tennis, I could learn easily from him.

The boyfriend and I taking refuge from the heat

We were also given 'ao club' passes, that gave us access to the VIP area with free drinks and a gorgeous yummy lunch!

I was really worried at first that I wouldn't know anyone there, but Laura, Dove's PR was super friendly and such a lovely person. Plus, Shizuka from Heartofpearl.com was invited to the day session as well, yay!

Shizuka and I inside the Dove marquee.

Before watching the matches, we were given a tour of the Dove Marquee. The line was insanely long, but I think the samples are well worth the wait! They also had full-sized men's samples available, which the boyfriend loved (though he tried to look indifferent when he received them).

Shizuka receiving her sample bag and testing out the Dove Tinted Moisturiser.

They even had a hand massage station, where anyone can get hand massages and learn a little more about the Dove products. When I was there, there was a cute little boy with a huge flag on his back getting his hands massaged. Too cute!

We then ran back to the ao club to get lunch. And the lunch was insanely good!

The Dove table at the ao club!

Only a few people at our table, but it was okay. More space for food!

And then it was off to watch the tennis. We caught part of the Djokovic match, and the very interesting match between Stosur and Cirstea.

I had an amazing time at the tennis, and I cannot thank Dove enough for so generously sponsoring us today! Hopefully the winner of my competition tomorrow has an awesome time, and scores some Dove samples along the way!

If you're at the tennis, be sure to stop by the Dove Marquee to grab some samples and learn more about the brand!

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