Product Review: Clearasil Ultra 12-Hour Rapid Range

Monday, January 16, 2012

I gave this range to my youngest sister, Sharon, to try. She was extremely interested and keen on trialling this, because she experiences breakouts and was anxious to find a range that would get rid of her acne.

Along with the pictured Deep Pore Scrub and Gel Wash, Sharon was also given the Daily Cream Wash to trial.

All three products are presented in sturdy, practical plastic packaging with a slightly metallic finish. These are sturdy enough that they can be dropped or thrown around without having to worry about breaking or leaking.

Deep Pore Scrub: This is very gentle on the skin, and not too abrasive, which is perfect when you have acne on your face that you don't want to irritate any further. It still does do the job, though! Her skin ends up feeling very soft and smooth after using this!

Deep Pore Gel Wash: This is perfect for anyone with very oily skin! Sharon goes a bit nuts when it comes to keeping her face clean after a long, oily day, so this product works really well for her. It cleans very thoroughly and cuts through all the grease to reveal squeaky clean skin at the end of the day.

Daily Cream Wash: Sharon is not a big fan of this facial wash. She is one of those hardcore people who want to strip every bit of grease and dirt clean from her face when she washes it, and she is of the opinion that this does not do the job. However, I think that the best way to use this range would be to use the gel cleanser at night when your skin most needs it, and to use the cream cleanser, which is much more gentle on the skin, in the mornings when the skin is less greasy.

Overall, Sharon's use of both these products have given her less problematic skin. She does warn that these products are very drying on the skin, so a good moisturiser is needed in order to use these products without irritating or damaging your skin. She did not experience the 'clearer skin in 12-hours' but she does think that these products are helping to keep her acne at bay (though no product can do very much when the hormones start acting up) and she will continue to use them.

The above products retail at the following prices:

Deep Pore Gel Wash AUD 13.99 for 200ml bottle
Daily Cream Wash AUD 13.99 for 175ml bottle
Deep Pore Scrub AUD 13.99 for 150ml bottle

This product was provided for review and consideration in accordance with this site's Disclosure Policy.

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