Product Review: prtty peaushun Skin Tight Body Lotion

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hi everyone! I have a little product review to share with you guys today - this is something I've been eyeing for a really long time. When an opportunity arose for me to review this, I jumped at the chance.

This is the Prtty Peaushun Skin Tight Body Lotion, created by makeup artist Bethany Karlyn, and loved by many a celebrity.

Prtty Peaushun: Subtle light reflecting particles in a natural emollient base give the skin a gorgeous, flattering glow. Radiance conceals minor imperfections and enhances definition to create a sexy, slimmer silhouette infused with an innovative blend of plant extracts to lift, firm, tighten and diminish the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, and varicose veins, as well as minimizing bruising and sore muscles.
I've worn this lotion out a handful of times, and the results are subtle, but I love it!

Here are a couple of pictures to show you the overall effect of this lotion. In hindsight, it was probably not the best idea to photograph in natural light, because this lotion really truly excels in flash photography or under direct sunlight.



L: Before; R: After

You can still see the shimmer in the above photos, and if you enlarge the photos of my legs (*so shy!), you'll notice that the little imperfections and uneven skin tone are concealed to some extent by the shimmer in the lotion. Don't expect miracle results with this lotion - my varicose veins and discolouration were still visible, especially in harsh white light.

In the swatch below you can see that the lotion is a light gold shimmery shade. I have the shade Medium, which is perfect for me! You can easily go a little darker, in my opinion, because this lotion is so sheer. That way you can fake a little tan as well :)

I recommend using this lotion when you're going for a night out at a place with soft natural light, or if you're going to have your photo taken. This product performs beautifully in these settings. Photos look absolutely brilliant when you have this on!

The lasting power is also very impressive. I had this on at a wedding, in the afternoon, in the summer. (read: a blasting HOT day!) I was sure that by the end of the service, my makeup and this lotion would have melted clean off, but both managed to stay in place.

The lotion comes in a variety of shades to suit every skin type: Light, Medium, Dark, and Deep Dark. There is also a Plain version that you can add on top of the aforementioned shades or alone, to up the shimmer factor.

This product retails for USD 36 on the prtty peaushun website. Shipping costs a bomb, though, so I would recommend getting some friends to get a group order in. You can order up to 4 products at a flat rate of USD 20.

This product was provided for review and consideration in accordance with this site's Disclosure Policy.

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