My Biotherm Facial Experience

Sunday, March 11, 2012

About a week ago, I was given the opportunity to experience a Biotherm facial. Being myself obsessed with skincare and facials, I was over the moon! Not to mention I have had an unhealthy obsession with Biotherm products ever since I was a teen and saw their anti-acne range in a magazine, only to be told by my parents that I couldn't try it because they didn't want to stress my skin out by introducing it to a new brand of skincare.

So back to the subject - my facial! I arrived at the Biotherm counter at Myer and was whisked into this gorgeous little room behind the elevator area, with dim lighting and an army of Biotherm products on the countertop in front of me. Very promising.

I was given plenty of time to change out of my clothes and into the robe that I was given, and I settled in for my facial. You should know that I am a facial veteran (from a customer's point of view, anyway). I have been going for facials since the tender age of 13, because my Dad is very big on personal grooming and being presentable. Needless to say, I know my good facials from my bad facials.

So the facial started, and my facialist was super attentive! She checked that I was properly covered so I wouldn't be too cold, propped my feet up (I think this is incredibly important because you have no idea how many times I've been uncomfortable at facials because my legs were sore and the angle made my back sore, too), and warned me when something cold was about to touch my face.

She also had this knack for knowing exactly when to talk and when to let me relax - something a lot of facialists seem to ignore.

My favourite part of the facial was the face, shoulder and neck massage. I go weak when I am massaged and it is the best feeling in the world! I almost made grunting noises when my facialist started massaging me - yes, it was that good!

Biotherm provides facials at Myer every few months or so. Facials are AUD 60 and redeemable on product. For more information, visit your Biotherm counter.

This service swas provided for review and consideration in accordance with this site's Disclosure Policy.

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