Outfit Post: Chiffon Comfy

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

I attended Salon Melbourne over the weekend with some MBBE ladies. It was going to be a hot day, so I decided to take advantage of that and wear something comfy and flowy for the day.

I had a white tank top on, and a light cardigan that I decided to belt up so it wouldn't be flapping all over the place. I had quite a good time at Salon Melbourne. The atmosphere was very similar if not more lively than the IMATS, but with brands more relevant to tradespeople instead of us regular consumers.

My accessories, as usual, are all from eBay and all worth under$5. It's amazing the cute finds you get from eBay!

I bought these pants at a sale a while back, and I had no idea when I would wear them again, so I decided to make use of them and not make them a waste of my money.

It isn't all too exciting, but I'm never one to wear something loud outside the comfort of my home and blog anyway!

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