Fortnightly Anthology 2

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Hi guys! I haven't really been keeping up with this, but I will try to change that! Here are a couple of pics I took recently, and some pics I posted on Instagram for fun. I hope you enjoy! :)

1. An event with some old friends
2. I used an app to see if I look good in glasses. I like!

1. Some pictures from Salon Melbourne with the gorgeous MBBE ladies
2. A picture from my latest video tutorial on YouTube

1. Easter egg painting in the Quak household!
3. A cute hat that the boyfriend bought me! I have no idea when I'm going to wear it but he really wants me to ;)

1. Nando's feast! The littlest sister was working there during her holidays and on her last week she bought us a huge meal :)
2. At the Glossybox/TheIconic/Breakfast With Audrey event that took place about a month ago.

1. The boyfriend got both my sisters caps too :)
2. A simple outfit that I snapped before we left for a flea market

1. Accessories that I wore to Salon Melbourne.
2. Dinner at Little Nyonya with the sisters. Yummy food!

And that's all for my fortnightly pictures! If you have any requests for pictures that I should include in this series, please let me know! :)

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